Faustball in den USA
Faustball in den USA

Die Faustballer der USA bereiten sich mit
dem Brasilianer Gastão Englert als Trainer der US-Nationalmannschaft auf die WM
im Oktober 2015 in Argentinien vor. Da die Amerikaner selbst kaum Gelegenheit
haben an Turnieren in Europa teilzunehmen, werden sie aktuell eine Turnierserie
im Sommer in den USA durchführen und laden hierzu Deutsche Mannschaften recht
herzlich ein.
Nachstehend informieren wir über die Ausschreibung.
Interessierte Mannschaften melden sich bitte direkt bei Gastão Englert
gastao[at]gastaoenglert.com.br. Bitte gebt parallel eine Info an die DFBL
2013 - USA Fistball Summer Season
The fistball sport inside USA is growing up. We are starting with many actions to get the international fistball fans, players and community closer to us. One of the new strategies is from next year insert USA in the summer fitball world season.
To make this happen we’ll organized 3 fistball tournaments in back to back weekends. The idea is to do this every year in the last 2 weekends of June and first weekend of July. In this way all fitballers could Play in South America (beginning of the year), in USA (beginning of the summer) and in Europe middle and end of the summer and bigger events.
The format of the tournaments will be a little bit different. Saturday normal tournament day. On Sunday, we’ll mix all players and teams and play another day fistball tournament. On this day, the idea is exchange experience playing with people from another country (and/or club) and in that way gets more motivation and higher level playing with people with experience by the fistball sport.
Transportation and accommodations on your own. However, all three clubs will try to help with arrangements during your stay. It is an amazing opportunity to the fistball lovers to meet New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, New Jersey, play fitball in another country and make many new fistball friends.
The dates are as follow:
1. SSC Tournament
June 22-23, 2013 at the Swim and Sport Club – Flanders, New Jersey
http://swimandsportclub.org/ ..contact Bob Feid
2. Phoenix Club Tournament
June 29-30, 2013 at First German Sport Club Phoenix – Feasterville, Pennsylvania
http://phoenixsportclub.com/ Contact Steve Groeber or Diane Ganssloser Groeber (Facebook)
3. WFA Tournament
July 6-7, 2013 at Wisconsin Fistball Association – Jackson, Wisconsin
http://www.wfainternational.com/ .. Contact Aaron Weninger
Extra information _______________________________________________________
Swim and Sport Club – 272 Emmans Rd, Flanders, New Jersey
SSC Google Maps (40.854894,-74.683918)
No tournament fees, no camping fees
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner available at club - $
7 km to hotel
80 km to New York City
Closest airport is Newark Liberty International Airport
100 km from First German Sport Club, Phoenix
Sports park with swimming pool, clubhouse, picnic grove, camping.
First German Sport Club, Phoenix – 301 W Bristol Rd, 19053
Phoenix Google Maps (40.16811,-74.995186)
No tournament fees, no camping fees
Food available all weekend - $
5 km to hotels and local casino
10 km to Center City Philadelphia
100 km from Swim and Sport Club
Sports park with swimming pool, clubhouse, picnic grove, camping.
2013 - USA Fistball Summer Season
The fistball sport inside USA is growing up. We are starting with many actions to get the international fistball fans, players and community closer to us. One of the new strategies is from next year insert USA in the summer fitball world season.
To make this happen we’ll organized 3 fistball tournaments in back to back weekends. The idea is to do this every year in the last 2 weekends of June and first weekend of July. In this way all fitballers could Play in South America (beginning of the year), in USA (beginning of the summer) and in Europe middle and end of the summer and bigger events.
The format of the tournaments will be a little bit different. Saturday normal tournament day. On Sunday, we’ll mix all players and teams and play another day fistball tournament. On this day, the idea is exchange experience playing with people from another country (and/or club) and in that way gets more motivation and higher level playing with people with experience by the fistball sport.
Transportation and accommodations on your own. However, all three clubs will try to help with arrangements during your stay. It is an amazing opportunity to the fistball lovers to meet New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, New Jersey, play fitball in another country and make many new fistball friends.
The dates are as follow:
1. SSC Tournament
June 22-23, 2013 at the Swim and Sport Club – Flanders, New Jersey
http://swimandsportclub.org/ ..contact Bob Feid
2. Phoenix Club Tournament
June 29-30, 2013 at First German Sport Club Phoenix – Feasterville, Pennsylvania
http://phoenixsportclub.com/ Contact Steve Groeber or Diane Ganssloser Groeber (Facebook)
3. WFA Tournament
July 6-7, 2013 at Wisconsin Fistball Association – Jackson, Wisconsin
http://www.wfainternational.com/ .. Contact Aaron Weninger
Extra information _______________________________________________________
Swim and Sport Club – 272 Emmans Rd, Flanders, New Jersey
SSC Google Maps (40.854894,-74.683918)
No tournament fees, no camping fees
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner available at club - $
7 km to hotel
80 km to New York City
Closest airport is Newark Liberty International Airport
100 km from First German Sport Club, Phoenix
Sports park with swimming pool, clubhouse, picnic grove, camping.
First German Sport Club, Phoenix – 301 W Bristol Rd, 19053
Phoenix Google Maps (40.16811,-74.995186)
No tournament fees, no camping fees
Food available all weekend - $
5 km to hotels and local casino
10 km to Center City Philadelphia
100 km from Swim and Sport Club
Sports park with swimming pool, clubhouse, picnic grove, camping.
fuente: federación alemana, http://www.faustball-liga.de/news/aktuell/hallensaison_2012-13/us-turnierserie/
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