faustball: East Coast Fistball Update July 2012

Fistball is alive and well in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Wisconsin. However, if you are reading this, and have not heard of this fast paced sport, enjoy a fun google search and begin to realize that this may be a sport you would like to try. Sometimes, this sport is referred to by the nickname of “extreme volleyball”. Volleyball players, soccer players and most other interested athletes often make a nice transition into fistball. While you are completeing your google search, check out the members of the 2011 U.S.A. team that participate in the World Cup. Several of the team members are from the Phoenix Sport Club.
The Eastern Fistball Association (1948) 64th summer tournament season began on June 21, 2012. The first tournament was held at S.S.C. in Flanders, New Jersey. Besides S.S.C. and Phoenix players, we were joined by Gastao Englert (United States Fistball Association team coordinator who traveled in from Brazil) and Eric Kindler (member of the National team who traveled from Wisconsin).
The results of the tournament for the men are as follows:
• SSC 1 with 10 points
• SSC 2 with 6 points
• SSC 3 with 3 points
• Phoenix 1 with 5 points
• Phoenix 2 with 4 points
• Phoenix 3 with 2 points
The results of the tournament for the women are as follows:
• Phoenix 1w with 4 points
• Phoenix 2w with 0 points
• SSC 1w with 0 points
The day after the tournament, Gastao and Eric ran some clinic/practices at S.S.C. Gastao Eric then traveled to Phoenix SC the next Monday and Tuesday where Phoenix players were introduced to some new drills and techniques. These new drills and techniques will definitely help improve our play. Many thanks to Gastao and Eric for their expertise and training.
The second tournament was held at the Friends of Nature Park in Jackson, Wisconsin. Some S.S.C. players and some Phoenix players made the trip to represent the Eastern Fistball Association (EFA) and had a good fistball experience at the tournament. Gastao ran two-a-day practice sessions with the national players along with others that wanting to improve their play. The Phoenix men’s team took second at the tournament and the EFA’s women’s team won the tournament.
The third tournament was held at Phoenix in Feasterville, Pa. on July 21. Participating in the tournament were S.S.C., Phoenix and a team from Wisconsin made up of many of the national players. The results of the tournament for the men are as follows:
• Wisconsin with 12 points
• SSC 1 with 6 points
• SSC 2 with 6 points
• SSC 3 with 2 points
• Phoenix 1 with 2 points
• Phoenix 3 with 2 points
• Phoenix 2 with 0 point
• Phoenix 4 with 0 points
The results of the tournament for the women are as follows:
• Phoenix 1w with 4 points
• Phoenix 2w with 0 wins
• SSC 1w with 0 points
Current EFA standings are ……SSC – 33……..Phoenix – 23…..
The USFA team participation this summer has been excellent.
8 men and 5 women made the 1000 mile trip from The East to Wisconsin.
7 players made the 1000 mile trip from Wisconsin to Philadelphia.
Gastao lead a total of 7 training sessions (3 hours each), with separate “train the trainer” sessions with the coaches from the east and the west. A very productive visit.
He left us with these thoughts -
• All year playing instead of summer season only
• A winter tournament (indoors)
• A coordinated invitations for the world fistball community in 2013 to be held in NYC (June 15-16), Philadelphia (June 22-23) and Wisconsin (June 29-30).
• Woman’s WC team in 2014
The next EFA tournament is scheduled for August 18, 2012 at the Phoenix Club in Feasterville, Pa. Phoenix players practice every Tuesday and Thursday. Times for practice go from around 6:00 till it is too dark to play. All new players are invited to participate and learn this sport. Steve and Kris are very good with getting new players introduced to the skills and strategy of the game of fistball.
At Phoenix – WE <3 FISTBALL.
Chris Zobel


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